新アリスの不思議なティーパーティー App Reviews

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When trying to get new characters, it was a lot less annoying in the old one. Only real improvement for me was not waiting for Alice to walk over to mushroom. New characters would be swell, if I could pass that annoying memory game...

Fun game!

I just started playing a week ago, but Im moving along and I like this game. Fun mini games in it too. I do wish they would fix the text wrapping though, the way they break up words drives me crazy!


Its a fun, cute game so far. The text breaks do need to be fixed though!

Very enjoyable

Taking Alices Adventures in Wonderland to whole new adorable level. I cant help but open the game every day!

What about the old one?

I do like the new one but I still have the old one and I worked really hard on it. What about the old one? I still dont want to just throw it away, I worked too long and hard on it. Is there a way to transfer worlds? What about the people who still have the old one The original one?

Just a Few Touch Ups

I love the game. I played the old one and loved it, this new one is great too, but one thing that bugs me about it the breeding. If you have a plant thats too high a level you cant breed a new plant and you cant even sell your too high leveled plant to get a new lower level one. You should make it that the new breeds are available to make with plants that are a certain level OR higher. Otherwise its great so far but please fix that!

Cute game

The type of game that you look at now and again to harvest your crops, this game has calming music and cute graphic.

Good game but needs an update for more characters!!

I LOVE this game. I have been playing it nonstop for a few weeks now, but I feel I have hit a wall. I unlocked all the mystery spots I can and now I guess Im waiting for an update in order to explore more characters. I really have declined playing it because I cant advance much more. Please update soon!!

Cool, could use other features

I quite liked brown haired haired alice better, and i wish there was a certain mode for changing the characters clthes, new outfits, and different hair sfyles and colors. Goid otherwise though

Good concept but needs work

The game is alright. I really enjoy the concept of it but there really isnt much to do. I mean, maybe give Alice actions to gain coins or the characters too. Most of the time I feel like Im just waiting around for the plants to grow just to accumulate pastries to unlock characters. Which would be fine if I wasnt just sitting around waiting for it. This game needs way more interaction.


i love this game




I love the alice in wonderland theme of the game & enjoy decorating :D

Casual Game

I love this game because it is casual and not a fast-paced version. I cannot wait to see what it will become in the future. I like how you get new characters through the mini game. However, I do have some suggestions. In the near future I would like to see more outfits and hairstyles for Alice. This way we can change how she looks to different versions; maybe even similar to the player. I would like to see more goals as well. It usually takes me a while to complete some of these goals and I would like more short-term ones. Overall this is a fantastic game!

Beautiful artwork but need to update sooon

Great beautiful game. Some suggestions (that needs desperate attention!!) 1. "Mushroom view" where you can hide buildings and other decorations. When mushrooms grow behind some decorations and i cant see, theres no way for me to collect them. :( 2. I used to really love the way alice comes and plucks the mushrooms in the older version. Itd be great if new version alice would start doing it too instead of mushrooms just disappearing into thin air. 3. Some more things to do! Im at only lvl 15 now and already not much to do..

Good concept...

Agreeing with another contributor, Alice doesnt do anything. Im also waiting for plants to grow. In the Teacup Madness game, it is very frustrating to finish finding all the cards to have the game tell you that you didnt do it well enough. I think the concept is a fun idea. It would be fun to spin the spinner everyday for prizes. Another way to add more interaction to the game. The art is beautiful.

Fix now

Time zone trouble what happennnn

Loved it:)

Awesome game

Tea time

Alice mad hatter tea party is the greatest

Beautiful design

This is beautiful. Im not just talking about the artwork, which is indeed beautiful. I mean, youre not forced to buy anything, but the game has still got a currency on offer if you wish to buy small cosmetic, non game breaking changes to support the developers. To top it off, the real game is basically good old "memory". There are no cash advantages to the game. Either you remember the card, or you dont. You can play infinity times without waiting for timers. There is also the actual book by Lewis Carol within the game, if you are one of the few people in the world who has not read it. Did I mention youre surrounded by pastries?

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